Zsombor Barta, the president of the HuGBC, wrote a comprehensive article in the LEO FM publication published at the end of spring, in which he calls the attention of the building management profession to several aspects of sustainability aspects and to the measurement of efficiency. A huge emphasis is placed on the operation of the building and the facility management profession itself, because efficiency can only be ensured in a carefully and systemically operated and maintained building. The trend that is slowly spreading in our region also shows that, for the sake of efficient and environmentally conscious operation in the future, facility management specialists are already actively involved in planning. In this way, it is possible to ensure that something is implemented along the lines of the joint thinking and planning of the actors who affect the entire life cycle of the building and actively participate in it. A building designed in this way can greatly contribute to later efficiency and effective operation. Unfortunately, for the time being, we have come across quite a few actual projects in our country where this would be taken seriously and the experts involved in the operation would be actively involved in the planning phase, even though the rating systems reward such an all-encompassing planning approach with credit points.
However, the positive trend emerging from LEO's current survey results is certainly welcome (e.g. offshoring, digitization, or the use of environmental management systems). The "environmental awareness" of the domestic building stock is slowly but steadily improving, and this can be seen both in the mechanical design and in the change in attitude. Specific savings opportunities also become visible following the survey. A scheduled shutdown increases energy efficiency and results in long-term savings. Sooner or later, the replacement and adjustment of outdated, worn out, broken mechanical systems will be essential. Long-term plans can be made from the energy data - based on the learned mechanical and electrical systems - that also take into account the protection of the environment in a budget-friendly way. Moreover, market competition in itself forces the use of the most modern solutions. This is absolutely not incidental nowadays, in the face of the threat of energy prices increasing at an amazing rate.
After the specialist compiles the monthly and annual consumption data, the operator or the owner keeps meter readings and books the energy bills to account for the costs, from here it is only a few steps to evaluate the data, which supports decision-making. Energy consumption can be rationalized to an extraordinary extent with a well-thought-out operation! Significant cost savings can also be achieved with the operation of mechanical and electrical systems adapted to current environmental conditions - with minimal expenditure. The article can be read in its entirety under the HuGBC link: