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EU Taxonomy Adaptation on the European Market

“I see EU taxonomy adaptation on the European market as one of the major sustainability achievements of 2022,” says Zsombor Barta, president of the Hungarian Green Building Council (HuGBC). “Although many local real estate stakeholders might not yet realize the importance of this, in the midterm and on a larger scale, this is a very important framework towards a more sustainable future and aligned with the ambitious 2050 zero carbon targets as well,” he adds. Barta points out that financial institutions now need to report on their portfolio’s EU taxonomy ratio, and projects which comply with the Taxonomy criteria are eligible for financial incentives. He argues that this will have an enormous impact on real estate stakeholders and push the entire sector toward a more energy-efficient and sustainable future.

Read the full interview with our Founding Partner, Zsombor Barta in English here:

Source of picture: Budapest Business Journal

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